Friday, August 11, 2017

Book Review : Picky Eaters – Guaranteed hacks to make you happy

As part of the #BlogchatterEbookCarnival, 35 ebooks were published in May after a successful completion of #AtoZChallenge by many participants across the world. Blogchatter team provided this wonderful platform to the first time authors like me.

Why Picky Eaters – Guaranteed hacks to make you happy by Amrita Basu & Abhijit Misra?

I have numerous nephews & nieces. Most of them are picky eaters. I was really curious to read the authors' take on the topic and see if I can provide my cousins and friends with some useful tips.

Highlights of the book 

The authors have kept the book quick and easy read. It is full of tips with links to articles for elaborate reading, which made it really fuss free for me to read the simple tips and spend extra time reading about the topics which mattered to me the most.

Key takeaways for me

Healthy eating habits have to start from the parents themselves. The best part is all the tips given in the book are simple and easy to follow, but they can go a long way to form healthy eating habits in children.

Rating : 4 / 5

About Authors 

Dr. Amrita Basu, an ENT surgeon and a mommy to a five year old. Dr. Abhijit Misra is a
paediatrician and a teacher in a medical college. They are the co -authors of this book and
partners in real life. They are passionate about spreading the message of health, wellness and healthy life style. They love gardening, travelling and playing with our little girl in our spare time.

Connect with the Author - 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Gayatri for the kind review .I am glad you liked the book.
